Cadieux Helps People See Their Best Reflection

Wilbraham, Mass. - Whether it’s through a hairstyle or the best product for haircare and skincare, Amanda Cadieux wants people to feel their best.

Her salon, Best Reflection, was created with that goal in mind. The salon has now added a line of products she co-owns, Dilaura Naturals, that are chemical-free body care options so that customers can see their own best reflection.

Adding a line of products is a natural extension to Cadieux’s salon. She always had a passion for trichology, the study of hair, which led her to cosmetology school and becoming a hairdresser. 

“As a kid, I always loved being around shampoos and conditioners,” she said. “I loved smelling products, I loved touching them, but I didn’t foresee that I would have a product line.”

Cadieux spent many years as a cosmetology instructor and 11 years as a stylist, a path that began with a desire to make women feel beautiful. She struggled with her own confidence and image as a child, then one day her aunt gave her a makeover.

“When I saw my reflection, it was the first time I felt the power of beauty in the mirror,” Cadieux said. “I saw my best reflection in that moment.”

The confidence that she felt inspired the name of her salon. It’s a feeling she wants to impart on others when they look in the mirror.  

“You could be hurting on the inside, but even for a moment if you love the person looking back at you, I’ve done my job,” Cadieux said.

A Client Leads to A Product Line

Five years ago, while working for another salon owner, Cadieux discovered that a client had an inflamed scalp potentially due to the haircare product she’d been using. Cadieux posted her concerns to the salon’s social media, and the issue blew up with some responding they had the same issue and the haircare manufacturer pushing back.

Cadieux began investigating the quantity of chemicals in haircare and body care products, sharing her concerns to the original social media post. While she spread information about the dangers of chemicals, drawing positive responses from many customers, the salon’s owner reacted differently and removed the initial post.

“The awareness and everything it brought was taken down in two seconds,” Cadieux said. “It just devastated me.”

“I said, I’m never doing hair again unless I own my own salon,” she said, which she did ten months later after support from her cosmetology students.  

Recovering from her disappointment and still feeling she’d done the right thing by sharing the information, she visited her tenth-grade science teacher, Tunzala Eynula.

Eynula agreed, and told Amanda that she had created her own line of natural products six years earlier called Dialura, named for Eynula’s Daughter. Now Cadieux will be taking over the product line and has added it to her own salon.

Keeping it Going

Although the Dialura products are all-natural, Amanda uses all types of products at her salon.

“I’m such a universal stylist. I don’t work with just one type of client or one hair type. I had to find a healthy balance,” she said. “It’s okay for people to want chemicals, it’s okay to be all-natural, and it’s okay to be in-between.”

Her salon staff consists of former cosmetology students, mentoring them and providing the opportunity to learn first-hand in a positive environment. It’s an experience Cadieux feels would have helped her find her way in starting her career.

“It’s such an amazing feeling to watch them grow,” she said. “They have become amazing entrepreneurs.”

Cadieux wants them to gain the confidence she wasn’t given and know that they can succeed no matter their age.

“I feel like a lot of times I was scrutinized for my age, but it doesn’t matter. You can do extraordinary things,” Cadieux said.  

She’s advertising on the Stand Out Truck® to bring awareness to Dilaura Naturals, available at her salon and online. Cadieux hopes to let people know that there are natural options for those who want them.

“I’m a person that likes to stand out. I’ve always been that person, so I’ve gravitated towards people who do that as well,” she said.

Purchase all the Dilaura Naturals products at

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